FRCR 2B Abu Dhabi Course Registrations are now closed

Dr. Sreenivasa Raju Kalidindi

Dr. Sreenivasa Raju Kalidindi

Director, ARI Academy
CEO, Apollo Radiology International

Welcome to ARI Academy

The expansion of high-end imaging equipment across India has resulted in a rapidly growing demand for well-trained Radiologists. However, the current depth and breadth of radiology residency training in India are not fully optimal due to the short duration of training. With the massive expansion seen in Radiology over the last few decades, three years of training is not adequate to gain competence in general radiology and to further subspecialize in an area of interest.

At ARI Academy, we recognize the need for Indian Radiologists to have access to wider training and qualification opportunities. Unfortunately, the limited opportunities available for super specialization within India mean that many radiologists invest significant resources to obtain international qualifications and training.

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Why choose ARI Academy

ARI Academy is the education and research division of Apollo Radiology International. We are making global radiology training and qualifications accessible to Indian radiologists. We provide international-standard radiology courses and subspecialist training. ARI Academy hosts the FRCR examinations in Hyderabad, India and provides FRCR 2B preparatory courses taught by UK certified radiologists and ex-FRCR examiners.

  1. Comprehensive courses
    Comprehensive courses
  2. UK/NHS Placement
    Global radiology training
  3. World-class faculty
    UK Qualified faculty
  4. World class exam centre
    World class exam centre
  5. Cutting edge research
    Cutting edge research
  6. Subspecialty Mini Fellowships
    Cutting edge research

The FRCR exam finally and fully arrives in India. And is more accessible and affordable.


Upcoming events

Multi Specialty Case based conference

Feb 15-16 2025.


Nuclear Medicine Mini Fellowship

Dates to be announced soon

Abdominal Imaging & Interventions Mini Fellowship

Oct 6th – Dec 22nd 2024

Breast Imaging Mini fellowship

Jan 5th – Feb 15th 2024



radiologists are on their way to become globally recognized
